Raspberry Champagne Cocktail (French ’71)
Servings: 3
Prepping time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 5 minutes
(excludes sous-vide cooking)
Raspberry Syrup
16 oz fresh raspberries
⅔ C granulated sugar
1 Tbsp lemon zest
2 drops grapeseed oil
1 oz raspberry syrup
Champagne, to taste
For the Sous Vide Raspberry Syrup:
Place all ingredients into a sous vide pouch and seal.
Gently smash ingredients in the pouch to combine, then place into a water bath at 167°F (75°C) and sous vide for one hour and 30 minutes.
After cooking, open the pouch and strain immediately, while still hot, through fine mesh or cheese cloth.
Allow syrup to cool for at least 20 minutes, or cook and chill in a jar or bottle in refrigerator a day in advance.
For the Cocktail:
Pour 1 ounce of raspberry syrup into a Champagne glass and fill with Champagne.
Garnish with a sprig of fresh mint or a fresh raspberry.
For more cocktails and drinks recipes like this, visit Sous Vide Magazine.
Recipe provided by our partners at Cuisine Solutions.